加拿大父母团聚移民 - 表IMM5771 - 申请文件核对表

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OFFICIAL USE ONLY 官方专用 Form List 文件列表

1. Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)
To be completed and signed by you, the sponsor, your co-signer, if applicable, and the person you are sponsoring.

Note: You should keep a copy of this document for your records. This agreement lists the obligations and responsibilities that fall unto the sponsor, co-signer (if applicable) and the persons being sponsored.

1. 担保人、担保协议申请表(IMM 1344)
填写此表,并由担保人、你的联合签署人 (如果适用)以及被担保人签字。魁北克居民不需要填写此表。


2. Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship (IMM 5768)

To be completed by you and your co-signer, if applicable. Residents of Quebec do not need to complete this form.If you answered "No" to question 8 or if your co-signer answered "No" to question 16, you must complete the Income Sources for the Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents (IMM 5516) form.

2. 父母和(外)祖父母担保财务评估表

此表由你和你联合签署人(如果适用)一同完成。魁北克居民不需要填写此表。在问题8中,如果你回答"No" ,或者你的共同签署人在问题16中回答"No",你必须填写父母及(外)祖父母担保收入来源表(IMM 5516)

3. Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409)
To be completed and signed by the sponsor and the cosigner, only if the latter is a common-law partner.

3. 同居伴侣共同法定声明表(IMM 5409)

4. Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008)
To be completed and signed by the person you are sponsoring, the principal applicant.

4. 普通加拿大申请表(IMM 0008)

5. Additional Dependants/Declaration (IMM 0008DEP)
To be completed and signed by the principal applicant, if applicable.

5. 额外受抚养子女/声明表(IMM 0008DEP)

6. Schedule A - Background/Declaration (IMM 5669)
The principal applicant and all the family members who are 18 years of age and older must complete and sign their own copy of this form.

6. 清单 A – 背景/声明表(IMM 5669)

7. Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)
The principal applicant and all the family members who are 18 years of age and older must complete and sign their own copy of this form.

7. 额外家庭信息表(IMM 5406)

8. Use of Representative (IMM 5476)
To be completed, if applicable.

8. 代理人信息表(IMM 5476)

9. Processing Fees
Copy of the fee payment receipt showing the amount paid.

9. 付费证明

OFFICIAL USE ONLY 官方专用 Supporting Documents - Part A (continued) 辅助材料 - A 部分

1. Photocopy of either your:

  • Permanent Resident Card (both sides) or, if you were not issued a Permanent Resident Card, your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) or
  • Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card (both sides), or
  • Canadian birth certificate, or
    If you were born in the province of Quebec, only a birth certificate issue by the Directeur de l'état civil is acceptable
  • Canadian citizenship certificate without photo issued before February 15, 1977, or
  • Canadian passport (pages showing passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, place and date of birth of holder).

1. 以下任一文件的复印件:

  • 永久居民卡(正反面),如果你还没有获得签发永久居民卡,你的登陆记录(IMM 1000)也可以, 或你的永久居留确认文件(IMM 5292 或 IMM 5688);
  • 加拿大公民证明或公民卡(正反面)
  • 加拿大出生证明
    (如果你在魁北克省出生,则必须提供由 Directeur de l'état civil 签发的证明。)
  • 1977年2月15日之前签发的无照片的加拿大公民证明
  • 加拿大护照(包含持有人的护照编号、签发日期以及过期日期、照片、姓名、出生地和出生日期的页面)

2. Photocopy of your marriage certificate, if you have a co-signer and he or she is your spouse
If you were married in the province of Quebec, only a marriage certificate issue by the Directeur de l'état civil is acceptable

2. 结婚证明复印件,如果你有共同签署人的话(即你的配偶)
(如果你在魁北克省结婚,那么只有经 Directeur de l'état civil 签发的证明才被接受。)

3. If your spouse or common-law partner is a co-signer, a photocopy of either a:

  • Permanent Resident Card (both sides) or, if you were not issued a Permanent Resident Card, your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) or
  • Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card (both sides), or
  • Canadian birth certificate, or
    If you were born in the province of Quebec, only a birth certificate issue by the Directeur de l'état civil is acceptable
  • Canadian citizenship certificate without photo issued before February 15, 1977, or
  • Canadian passport (pages showing passport number, date of issue and expiration, photo, name, surname, place and date of birth of holder).

3. 如果你的配偶或同居伴侣是共同签署人,则需要提供下列材料之一的复印件:

  • 永久居民卡(正反面),如果你还没有获得签发永久居民卡,你的登陆记录(IMM 1000)也可以, 或你的永久居留确认文件(IMM 5292 或 IMM 5688);
  • 加拿大公民证明或公民卡(正反面)
  • 加拿大出生证明
    (如果你在魁北克省出生,则必须提供由 Directeur de l'état civil 签发的证明。)
  • 1977年2月15日之前签发的无照片的加拿大公民证明
  • 加拿大护照(包含持有人的护照编号、签发日期以及过期日期、照片、姓名、出生地和出生日期的页面)

4. Proof of principal applicant's relationship to sponsor:

  • Photocopy of the sponsor's birth certificate
    If you were born in the province of Quebec, only a birth certificate issue by the Directeur de l'état civil is acceptable

If you are sponsoring the mother or father of your mother or father, you must also include the following:

  • Photocopy of your mother or father's birth certificate.

4. 主申请人与担保人关系证明:

  • 担保人出生证明复印件
    (如果你在魁北克省出生,则必须提供由 Directeur de l'état civil 签发的证明。)


  • 你父母的出生证明。

5. Copy of travel document or passport for the principal applicant and each accompanying dependant.


6. Proof of principal applicant's relationship to an accompanying dependent spouse or common-law partner;

  • Photocopy of marriage certificate, OR
  • Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409)
    To be completed also by the principal applicant and their common-law partner, if applicable.

6. 主申请人与一起的配偶或同居伴侣之间的关系证明:

  • 结婚证明复印件,或者
  • 同居伴侣共同法定声明(表格 IMM 5409)

7. Proof of principal applicant's relationship to accompanying dependent children;

  • Photocopy of birth certificate for each accompanying dependent child.

7. 主申请人与随其一起申请的受抚养子女之间关系证明:

  • 每个随主申请人一起申请的受抚养子女的出生证明复印件。

8. Two (2) recent photos of the principal applicant and each accompanying dependant. Follow the instructions in the photograph specifications: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdf

8. 主申请人的两张近期照片。 照片要求参考链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdf

OFFICIAL USE ONLY 官方专用 Supporting Documents - Part B (continued) 辅助材料 - B 部分

9. If you answered "No" to question 8 or if your co-signer answered "No" to question 16 on the Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship (IMM 5768), you must submit:

  • Option C print out or Notice of Assessment (NOA) issued by the Canada Revenue Agency for each of the three most recent taxation years.

Note: If your spouse or common-law partner is a co-signer, provide the same document.

9. 对于父母和(外)祖父母担保财务评估表 IMM 5768,如果你在问题8中回答"No" ,或者你的共同签署人在问题16中回答"No",你必须提交:

  • 打印 Option C 或者加拿大税务总局出具的最近三年税单(NOA)



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