
加拿大的公共养老金制度旨在为加拿大退休人员提供财务保障和支持。 该系统由许多不同的计划组成,包括加拿大退休金计划 (CPP)、老年保障金 (OAS) 和保证收入补助金 (GIS)。 这些计划共同帮助确保加拿大人无论其工作经历或收入水平如何,都能获得基本水平的退休收入。

加拿大退休金计划 (CPP)

又称“加拿大退休金补贴”。加拿大退休金计划是一项与收入相关的缴费型社会保险计划,提供基本水平的退休、残疾和遗属福利。 CPP 供款基于个人收入,福利的计算公式考虑了个人为该计划供款的年数和供款金额。 CPP 退休福利最早可在 60 岁或最迟在 70 岁领取。福利金额会根据领取时间进行调整。






老年保障金 (OAS)

老年保障计划是一项非缴费的、经过经济状况调查的计划,为 65 岁或以上的符合条件的个人提供基本水平的退休收入。 福利金额根据生活成本的变化每季度调整一次。 除了基本的 OAS 福利外,符合条件的个人还可以获得保证收入补助 (GIS) 和津贴。

OAS 是加拿大政府为65岁以上的老人所提供的一种社会福利,这笔钱来自政府的税收。对很多移民来说,比如移民到加拿大的父母,OAS 可能是他们晚年的主要收入来源。因为他们大多没在加拿大工作过,因此不可能缴纳很多的 CPP 或其它形式的退休保障金。






注释1: 关于养老金(OAS)所要求的居住时间,并非这10年里连1天都不能离开加拿大。只要离开的时间不超过6个月就不会影响养老金的申领。

注释2: 养老金有多少钱?因为社会的变化和经济形势的不确定性,养老金也会变化。这里仅提供一份2021年的数据:每月养老金最高可领取635.26加元(住满40年),每少住一年就会减15加元。

保证收入补助 (GIS)

又称“收入保障津贴”。保证收入补助是一项免税的、专门为低收入的老年人设计的福利,为领取老年保障金的低收入老年人提供额外支持。 福利金额基于老年人的收入,并根据生活成本的变化每季度调整一次。 和养老金(OAS)一样,要获得 GIS 的资格,年满 18 岁的老年人必须在加拿大居住至少 10 年。



  1. 65岁及以上
  2. 居住在加拿大
  3. 正在领取养老金(OAS)
  4. 低于政府公布的收入线(2021年的数据:单身人士年收入需低于$19,248)

注释1:GIS 需要主动申请,并且每年会被重新评估。申请时需要提供自己报税资料 作为支持材料。因此,各位老年人一定要每年按时报税,千万不能因为收入低或没有收入而不报税。否则,政府可能会因此停止发放你的 GIS。

注释2:如果申请人在领取 GIS 期间离开加拿大超过6个月,政府会停止发放补助。当你回到加拿大后需要重新申请。



注释:配偶补助和 GIS 一样,只要申请人离开加拿大超过6个月,该补助会自动停止。


除了 CPP、OAS 和 GIS,加拿大还有许多其他公共养老金。 其中包括类似于 CPP 但由魁北克政府管理的魁北克养老金计划 (QPP),以及各种省级养老金计划。 联邦政府还向加拿大武装部队成员、加拿大皇家骑警和联邦公务员提供养老金。


除了公共养老金体系外,许多加拿大人还可以通过雇主获得私人养老金。 其中包括固定收益和固定供款计划,以及团体注册退休储蓄计划 (RRSP)。 私人养老金可以成为退休收入的重要来源,特别是对于那些无法获得公共养老金的人而言。

综上所述,加拿大的公共养老金制度旨在为所有加拿大人提供基本水平的退休收入,无论他们的工作经历或收入水平如何。 虽然该系统很复杂,但它为需要它的人提供了一个安全网,并且可以为那些有能力为退休储蓄的人提供私人养老金作为补充。



Canada's Public Pensions: A Comprehensive Guide

Canada's public pension system is designed to provide financial security and support for Canadian retirees. The system is made up of a number of different programs, including the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). Together, these programs help to ensure that Canadians have access to a basic level of retirement income, regardless of their work history or income level.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

The Canada Pension Plan is a contributory, earnings-related social insurance program that provides a basic level of retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. CPP contributions are based on an individual's earnings, and benefits are calculated using a formula that takes into account the number of years a person has contributed to the plan and the amount of contributions they have made. CPP retirement benefits can be taken as early as age 60, or as late as age 70. The amount of the benefit is adjusted depending on when it is taken.

Old Age Security (OAS)

The Old Age Security program is a non-contributory, means-tested program that provides a basic level of retirement income to eligible individuals who are 65 years of age or older. The benefit amount is adjusted quarterly based on changes in the cost of living. In addition to the basic OAS benefit, eligible individuals may also receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and the Allowance.

Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

The Guaranteed Income Supplement is a non-taxable, income-tested benefit that provides additional support to low-income seniors who receive the Old Age Security pension. The benefit amount is based on a senior's income, and is adjusted quarterly based on changes in the cost of living. To be eligible for the GIS, a senior must have lived in Canada for at least 10 years after turning 18.

Other Public Pensions

In addition to the CPP, OAS, and GIS, there are a number of other public pensions available in Canada. These include the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), which is similar to the CPP but is administered by the government of Quebec, as well as various provincial pension plans. The federal government also offers pensions to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and federal public servants.

Private Pensions

In addition to the public pension system, many Canadians also have access to private pensions through their employers. These include defined benefit and defined contribution plans, as well as group registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs). Private pensions can be an important source of retirement income, particularly for those who do not have access to public pensions.

In Conclusion

Canada's public pension system is designed to provide a basic level of retirement income to all Canadians, regardless of their work history or income level. While the system is complex, it provides a safety net for those who need it, and can be supplemented by private pensions for those who are able to save for retirement.


You may be able to get the Allowance benefit if your spouse or common-law partner receives an Old Age Security pension (OAS) and is eligible and entitled to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), you are 60 to 64 years of age, you are a Canadian citizen or a legal resident, and you have resided in Canada for at least 10 years since the age of 18.

The Allowance is a non-taxable payment you can get if you are age 60 to 64, you live in Canada, your spouse or common-law partner is eligible to receive the Guaranteed Income supplement (GIS), and your combined annual income is less than the maximum annual income threshold for the Allowance.

You can find out more information about the Allowance benefit on https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/publicpensions/cpp/old-age-security/guaranteed-income-supplement/allowance.html.